Tag - Eggless Mayonnaise

Yearning For The Choicest Fast Foods Mayonnaise, Sauces, Dips, Spreads, Seasonings?

Eating healthy is important but at the same time pampering your taste buds is also important. When it comes to yummy food we just cannot miss out on fast food. Kids, as well as grown-ups, cannot resist different fast foods like pizza, burgers, sandwiches, chowmin, rolls, or Indian fast food, etc. Preparing Fast Food At Home Or Your Food Joint...

Low-Fat Healthy Yo-Yo Mayonnaise

If you are following a low-carb low-fat diet then you must be thinking of not having mayonnaise. You may be under the impression that mayonnaise is high in calories and can have an adverse effect on your diet. But what if you had an option where your diet regime would not get disturbed and you could still have mayonnaise? There...

Low Fat Eggless Mayonnaise – The Perfect Combination Of Health And Taste

Mayonnaise is one of the most preferred sauces/spreads/dip with many dishes. Whether it is burgers and pizzas or pasta and salads this delectable sauce is the best accompaniment. But there may be some of you who might be avoiding this tempting and delicious sauce and we can guess the 2 main reasons for the same. Are you avoiding having this...

Add Bling To Your Everyday Breakfast With STM Foods Sandwich Spread!

Are you an enthusiastic sandwich lover? Do you want to prepare mouth-watering sandwiches at the convenience of your place in no time? Are you bored of eating regular sandwiches with similar kinds of tastes? Then you don't have to compromise this matter anymore because STM foods are presenting you with a whole new range of delicious sandwich spreads and...

Eggless Mayonnaise | STM Foods

Get The Most Premium Eggless Mayo Dip And Spread

In today’s world, mayonnaise is something that goes with everything that we eat. We can use it in burgers, pizzas, or wraps. Mayonnaise has become children’s favorite recently Because of the sumptuous flavor that it adds to the food. Here at STM food India, you will find the premium collection of mayonnaise. The mayonnaise that we manufacture is of the...

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