Here Is The Recipe For Yummy Wraps And Rolls

Here Is The Recipe For Yummy Wraps And Rolls

I love digging into yummy rolls and wraps that this humble outlet opposite my college sells. I tried making the same at home many times but it did not have that zesty and delicious taste that the wraps and rolls that this outlet near my college sells. I am not the one who gives up easily and so I decided to check every minute detail when this guy prepares the rolls and that is when I got to know his trade secret. The sauces that he was using were from a company called STM Foods.इस कंपनी का नाम मैंने पहले भी कई जगह सुना था.

Once I reached home मैंने अपनी मम्मी को बताया कि we are going to get sauces and dips from STM Foods situated in Noida and then I shall try out making the rolls and wraps once again at home. So, once I have the sauces start my mission of making the सही taste वाला rolls. So, I spread a generous amount of the STM sauces and then put the filling and toasted it to the perfection of the girdle and yes my special roll was ready और जो amazing aroma था ना, मैं express नहीं कर सकती.

Some Of The Flavors You Can Also Try:

  • Shawarma Mayo
  • Kathi Roll Mayo
  • Harissa Dip
  • Tarter Dip
  • Hummus Dip
  • Tandoori Mayo
  • Tikka Mayo
  • Afghani Mayo

My mom and dad and even my kid sister just drooled over those yummy wraps that I had made. They now call me “roll बनाने वाली उस्ताद chef”. So, if you also want to treat your loved ones with wraps and rolls that taste like the ones that we get in restaurants then you have to bring home the yummy sauces, dips, spreads, and seasoning of STM Foods. These guys are amazing and soon वो food industry में rock करने वाले हैं. Let’s wait and watch…


Also, read this blog:- Make Yummy Non-Veg Dishes Using These Shortcuts

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